don’t feed obesogenicity

Obesogenic (adj.) : promoting obesity through health-harming actions, behavior, and habits.

What is an obesogenic environment? It’s a type of surrounding that promotes or supports the act of consistently consuming unhealthy foods and practicing sedentary behavior. Some everyday phrases you may hear from others or hear yourself say that creates a very toxic, obesogenic environment:

  • “Buy the bigger bag, it’s cheaper.”
  • “The large size is only 50 cents more.”
  • “Let’s get McDonald’s. It’s faster.”

Obesogenic habits don’t only involve what we buy or eat. We build poor activity habits that contribute to obesity when we practice sedentary (low activity) behavior such as choosing to take the elevator instead of stairs or driving to the market when it’s located within walkable distance. Less healthful choices made occasionally or everyday turn into regular habits and eventually, a lifestyle that can harm your health. Here is a list of simple efforts you can make today, starting now, to discourage an obesogenic lifestyle:

  • Avoid eating mindlessly. Pay attention to serving sizes and control portions. Limit the amount of screen time during meals to minimize overeating.
  • Strive to eat more home cooked meals and eat out less.
  • Don’t go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Avoid buying more than you need
  • Choose whole foods that are not processed. The shorter the ingredient list the better.
  • Avoid buffets or get rid of the mindset of “eating your money’s worth” if you do frequent all-you-can-eat restaurants
  • Make it a goal to get 5 servings of fruits and veggies everyday
  • Bring a salad or vegetable dish to pot lucks which are often heavy with carbs
  • Don’t buy in a bulk to save money. It won’t save you calories!
  • Give healthier treats instead of cakes, cookies or chocolate during holidays and celebrations

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